
A musical end to the week

Image of A musical end to the week

After a week where we: learnt about and used co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions in English, honed our division skills in preparation for Long Division in Maths, looked at what happens in a Sikh Gurdwara in RE, and continued with our reading challenge reviews, we finished with some…

Posted by Mr Rugg on 15 October 2018

Tags: Class 6


The Jolly Postman

Our focus text this half term has been The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.  This week the children have written their own versions of the story, made maps of the postman's route, recreated the fairytale village and made puppets of the characters.  A busy week…

Posted by Mrs Barrett on 14 October 2018

Category: Class of 2018


Mental Maths

This week in maths, we have used the formal written method to check our mental maths.

Children wrote 2 random numbers on their whiteboards. They then had to work together to mentally add their numbers together. Children then used the formal written method to check their answers. 

Next week…

Category: Class of 2014

Tags: Class 5


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


Believe in Your #SELFIE

Image of Believe in Your #SELFIE

We're learning how important it is to believe in yourself and your abilities in Class 5. We've discussed why it's so important that we always try our hardest in every lesson whilst making sure to not compare ourselves to others around us. We know that if we have tried our very best, then we…

Category: Class of 2014

Tags: Class 5


The science of sound

Class 4 have really been enjoying their SITE topic of 'Sound'. Today, we looked at the pattern of the volume of sound and the vibrations made. Each table was given an instrument and sugar, they had to hit the drum creating a quiet, medium and loud volume - whilst doing this they had to observe…

Category: Class of 2015



In Class 5, we believe that practising our spellings can be fun. Over the past couple of weeks, we have tried a few different strategies including: pyramid writing, rainbow writing, drawing a picture around the word and even some mnemonics. These are all strategies that can also be used at home to…

Category: Class of 2014

Tags: Class 5


How are Muslim babies welcomed into the world?

Today, we welcomed two of our lovely Class 2 parents into school to help us with our RE topic.

The children listened really carefully to the information about the Adhan, a special prayer which is whispered into the ear of the baby when he or she is born. We even got to try some delicious…

Category: Class of 2017


A Roman, a Bishop, a robot and no pens!

Image of A Roman, a Bishop, a robot and no pens!

No it's not the start of a bad joke, just another busy week in the life of Class 6!

We started off by revising and learning Roman Numerals up to 10,000 and recreated a number on the playground - can you work out what it is?

We were delighted to be visited by the Rt Revd Paul Slater, Bishop…

Posted by Mr Rugg on 5 October 2018

Tags: Class 6


No Pens Day

Image of No Pens Day

Class 1 did lots of speaking and listening on No Pens Day.  They listened carefully to the story of "Katie in London", before describing London landmarks to their partners who had to guess what they were thinking of.  The children were great at this, using lots of interesting vocabulary in their…

Posted by Mrs Barrett on 4 October 2018

Category: Class of 2018


Geography in Class 2

We have been recapping our knowledge about the countries which make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. The children were super excited to use atlases to help them with their learning!

Category: Class of 2017


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


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