
Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


Henry Moore WW2 Art

Image of Henry Moore WW2 Art

We started the week with some fascinating WW2 memorabilia which belonged to Miss Dunsmuir's Grandpa who was in the Merchant Navy, and she told us all about his service and experiences of the war. We have loved hearing stories about your families too  - please keep sending things in.

We will be…

Posted by Mr Rugg on 22 November 2018

Tags: Class 6


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


Roman Invasion!

As part of our History topic, we have been looking at the Roman invasions and the land they overtook during their reign. Today, we used some drama to explore the different feelings of everyone involved and how they were affected by what happened. We had a Roman Legion, British Army, Emperors,…

Category: Class of 2015


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


Cubed numbers, a visit from the Fire & Rescue service and Newton metres!

Class 5 have had another hard working week learning about:

Category: Class of 2014

Tags: Class 5


Year 6 Codebreakers!

Image of Year 6 Codebreakers!

We have been doing lots of topic based work this week. Our SITE project this half-term will be to build a Morse code machine capable of sending electronic signals. We looked at different codes such as Morse, Semaphore and, linked to our topic, WW2 Enigma machines.

In Science we learnt the…

Posted by Mr Rugg on 15 November 2018

Tags: Class 6



This week in PSHE, we did a 'Mindmate' lesson (a mental health and well-being workshop). In this lesson, we looked at making and maintaining strong, healthy and positive relationships. Class 4 came up with some really good attributes to being a good friend and skills they would like to develop to…

Category: Class of 2015


A hat for the Queen

Image of A hat for the Queen

After designing their hats for the Queen, today Class One began making them.  Using a range of materials they have been constructing their fabulous creations.  The brief was a hat for the Queen to wear in windy weather  - they discovered this was a problem for Her Majesty after reading "The…

Posted by Mrs Barrett on 13 November 2018

Category: Class of 2018


How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth

This half term children are learning all about the Stone Age, with a focus on safety and protection.  We have begun our topic by reading the book, How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.  The book is a hilarious instruction manual for how to clean your pet mammoth.  We began our topic by discussing how…

Category: Class of 2016

Tags: Class 3


Great Homework Year 3!

Mrs Howard and Miss Eales would like to say a huge thank you to children in Year 3 for a tremendous effort with the last Learning Log challenge that was set for them!  We really enjoyed sharing the work that children had been doing at home and everybody learnt a lot from each other. Well done…

Category: Class of 2016


Making maths practical

Throughout this term the children in Class 3 have been getting to grips with formal methods for addition and subtraction.  Children have been impressing Mrs Howard and Miss Eales with their resilient approach to their new learning.  Using practical equipment to model the principles of column…

Category: Class of 2016


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