
All Stars cricket coaching

Image of All Stars cricket coaching

The children in KS1 have been so lucky to welcome Tom from All Stars cricket into school this half term for weekly cricket coaching sessions. The children have had so much fun whilst learning new batting, bowling and fielding skills. The 'cricket world cup' was a real highlight! 

Category: Class of 2017


Class 4 gardening

Class 4 have turned their hands at gardening - growing spinach to be precise! 

We went to the plot in the garden and turned the soil over. After that, we marked out 2 lines with string (where the seeds will go), scattered the seeds and watered them. It was nice to do some outdoor learning;…

Category: Class of 2015


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


Class R Art Day

Class R explored a variety of printing methods today, using lots of unusual stamps to explore different textures including bubble wrap, lemons, cotton reels, duplo, flowers and even balloons! We reviewed our techniques after our first attempts and thought about how to make our printing better,…

Posted by Mrs Pelc on 21 March 2019

Category: Class of 2019

Tags: Reception


Class 4 Art Day

The whole Federation explored a day of art, focusing on the issues of plastic in the oceans and the beautiful creatures that live amongst it all. 

Class 4 looked at dolphins and used mixed media to create some fantastic pictures of these. Along with mixed media, they demonstrated different…

Category: Class of 2015


Class 4 P.E

This term in P.E, Class 4 have been doing gymnastics and dance. They have worked in groups to explore different points and patches they can balance on and levels that they can work at. As they progressed, they began to make this more of a routine. Their showcases were excellent and they really…

Category: Class of 2015


Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

We loved marking Red Nose Day 2019 in Class 5 with all of our wacky outfit ideas!

We had wigs, glasses, deely boppers, wacky hair styles, unusual hair accessories, odd shoes, odd socks, face paint, hair dye and most importantly of all - lots of red!

I think between the whole class, we could…

Category: Class of 2014

Tags: Class 5


Red Nose Day 2019!

What a great effort from the children for their 'wacky outfits' in aid of Comic Relief this year. They have explored the way in which this charity helps and supports others and what their donations will be going towards. A big thank you to the children and their families for, once again, another…

Category: Class of 2015


Fairtrade Week!

This week, the whole school have been learning about the fabulous work that Fairtrade does. In Class 4, we have looked at the different products they create, the various countries they support and how they improve communities less fortunate than ours. As their final piece, the children have…

Category: Class of 2015


Red Nose Day and Fairtrade week

Image of Red Nose Day and Fairtrade week

The children looked wonderful again in their 'wacky' outfits for RND 2019 and as a school we have raised lots of money for this worthy cause thanks to your efforts and contributions. 

As part of Fairtrade fortnight, we have spent some time looking at the movement and how it affects our lives.…

Posted by Mr Rugg on 15 March 2019

Tags: Class 6


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Category: Star of the week


World Book Day and various other bits

Image of World Book Day and various other bits

After a few technical issues I have been able to upload the images from World Book Day. Thank you for your efforts with the children's outfits they all looked brilliant!

In addition to this we have been busy learning about volume and angles in Maths, have written some persuasive speeches and…

Posted by Mr Rugg on 14 March 2019

Tags: Class 6


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