Maths Mastery

We have made a great start with Maths this half term, covering aspects such as place value, negative numbers, rounding, sequences, solving expressions using BODMAS and long multiplication (and of course storming through our times tables).

The Mastery approach to maths encourages the use of equipment and manipulatives to aid problem solving, and this can often help the children visualise what they are solving, rather than just writing abstract numbers down on a page (see pictures below).

We are focussing on improving our reasoning and problem solving skills - applying our existing knowledge in different situations. This has required great resilience and self-belief and has resulted in some excellent class discussion, including trying to agree on how much fencing the farmer needs for the field behind school!

You can read more about Maths Mastery in Year 6 on the NCETM website.



Posted by Mr Rugg on 20 October 2017

Category: 2017 - 2018 Year 6

Tags: Class 6 Maths

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