
The teaching of P.E. in the Bramham Shadwell Federation


P.E. is more than just learning and applying physical skills, it’s a subject where social skills, team building and mental well-being are at its heart, encouraging and equipping pupils to lead long, happy, healthy and active lifestyles. Rather than shy away from challenges, we tackle them head on to find solutions, learn, and progress in all areas.




In school our wider intent is to make learning meaningful and memorable. In terms of our P.E. curriculum our curriculum design encourages all pupils to find their enjoyment within physical activity, whether that is to be healthy, participate for fun or competition there are opportunities for everyone to progress and challenge themselves. P.E. at the Bramham Shadwell Federation is more than just the curriculum; Our aim is to develop the whole child and do whatever it takes to ensure all children have a positive relationship with physical activity. With a wide variety of opportunities we encourage children to ‘give it a go’ and learn from each experience.

We also intend for the children to develop a self awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, modesty, and how they can contribute to the success of others. We want the children to appreciate and respect the wonderful world and encourage stewardship of their surroundings. By the time our pupils leave us, they will have developed a range of skills that will not only be transferable onto new sports, but also a range of problem solving situations throughout life.



At the Bramham Shadwell Federation, our P.E. curriculum follows the National Curriculum and provides children with an array of enriching opportunities, with a strong focus on team sport. Our children experience a wide range of school fixtures and competitions in sports including Football, Netball, Tag Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Cross Country, Dodgeball as well as individual clubs from external providers. In lessons, children acquire and develop their technical skills before applying them into various situations, usually involving team skills and resilience.



We use a range of strategies to assess what knowledge and skills the children have attained each term including the following:

·         Tracker Sheets

·         Implementing

·         Pupil Voice 

·         Regular feedback each lesson

·         Extra-curricular participation records




P.E. Skills Progression Document

Updated: 06/11/2022 221 KB

KS1 Long Term Plan

Updated: 06/11/2022 393 KB

KS2 P.E. Long Term Plan

Updated: 06/11/2022 405 KB