Home Learning - Week 3

After a lovely Easter break, where the weather definitely brightened everything up, the children got back to it with their new learning packs! As always, their work ethic and determination to succeed, paired with their resilience astounds me! Mrs Bourne and I are the luckiest teachers to have such a wonderful class who rise to every challenge. 

Here are just a few pictures about what they have explored this week: 

Aniqa has been working exceptionally hard with all her learning pack but was particularly proud of her French work this week - Excellente!

In between Maya doing Easter egg hunts, fitting in her daily exercise and chilling in the pool with a 'mocktail' she has been learning outside with her lovely Mum and little brother. She has learnt about telling the time during maths (definitely needed at the moment!) explored French animals AND if that wasn't enough, she got very creative making an Easter wreath! 

Madi has been super proud of her descriptive writing this week based on some bears in snow. I was so proud of her handwriting and the skills she has remembered to use. 

Oscar paired his descriptive writing with ICT and typed it on the computer - so lovely to see the skills he remembered to use and his broadening vocabulary. 

Olivia has since become a jewellery maker, anything Viking related then place your order! When she isn't busy doing that, she can be found practising her ultimate timetables or on Duolingo!

When Prem isn't dressed up as a Viking and showing us his scariest battle face, he can be seen creating animal fact files linked to our SITE topic or working on his artistic skills to develop a shield! 

Georgia, has once again, worked continuously hard and shown us her gorgeous handwriting and descriptive language with 'Bears in Snow'. After that was perfected, she completed her art work based on Viking shields. 

Jackson emailed in his descriptive writing this week too, describing a given picture - remembering to use all the skills learnt and being very descriptive, even throwing a twist in about the baby bear saving father bear!


I think we can all agree Class 4 are AMAZING! Well done to everyone for working hard, keep it up! 



Category: Class of 2015

Tags: Class 4

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