Home Learning - Week 7

After a well-earned week off, Class Four have got back into the swing of things with their learning from home. 

In maths, they have begun to look at symmetry, whilst in English they have been looking at improving noun phrases by adding or replacing. Alongside these subjects, they also have all their foundation learning too! I have loved receiving the pictures of not just their school based work, but them enjoying new found hobbies such as badminton! 

In these pictures we have: 

Ed, who went that extra mile with his learning and decided to learn the skill of a protractor and measure some angles accurately. 

James, who turned his hand at everything including French and a space cartoon that he created all by himself! 

Kaya, alongside her maths and reading work she has applied her symmetry with art and done some printing. 

Owen, continues to work hard with everything given and has been showcasing his maths, English, French and art work! 

Oscar, who's had a fantastic learning work; getting on with all that has been given and found time to explore the outside and train to become the next Andy Murray! 

Velvet, sent a brightly coloured picture linked to her learning...just what I needed to brighten up the rainy end to this week! 


Well done to everyone who has sent work in and to the whole class for continuing their learning! You are all superstars. 


Category: Class of 2015

Tags: Class 4

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